Friday, 18 January 2013

Snow has arrived!

I would have loved to have got some photos of the Cambrian Mountains however not possible to get close enough safely today so stuck to the valley, here is one of the river Aeron and some sheep in the upper Aeron Valley. The sky was still full of snow and very grey so I avoided too many with sky in.

River Aeron

Aeron Valley 

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Snow on the way..

Only had a few minutes but managed to take some photos on the way out of Aberystwyth of the snow covered Cambrian's. Also got to play with my wide angle lens, the view the other way was better but wrong time of day as sun was completely in the wrong place, never mind!

Much more snow forecast for tomorrow which is good and bad, good for photos, bad as the roads will be un drivable as there are two very steep hills between me and the Cambrian's so I think I'll have to see what I can get closer to home!

Cambrian's from A44

Monday, 14 January 2013

After a very long break from blogging I have decided to pick up the pen again as it were to do a 'photo' diary blog of my photography of the seasons and life in the Cambrian Mountains in Wales. First I've had to learn how to get around blogger, changed a little since I last used it pre google!

First day out today to try out new wide angle lens, not in the Cambrian's as was getting car serviced in Llandysul, unfortunately weather not kind so no photos worth posting but good chance to have a play. Other areas seemed to get snow, just rain here but hoping to get some snowy/frosty photos some time this week.